måndag 9 november 2015

Family Medicine - Diabet

Family Medicine Cure type 1 diabetes: two pioneering solutions discovered by scientists Among the most successful attempts to cure diabetes include alotransplantul Langerhans cells from healthy human donors to a patient with diabetes, according to the Foundation for islet. There are many problems in this case, but the researchers were able to eliminate them one by one, thus getting impressive results. Langerhans cells and intelligent solution for researchers Because the recipient's immune system would attack and destroy foreign recipient of Langerhans cells are forced to take drugs to suppress the immune system for the rest of his life. But these Immunosuppressive drugs cause many side effects. Therefore a alotransplant of this type usually carried out only in combination with a kidney transplant, in which case use imunosupresoarelor necessary. Another problem would be that there is a sufficient source of donor pancreas or Langerhans cells. In order to remove this obstacle was the Langerhans cells transplantation appeal is taken from the pigs, which are compatible with the human body. But they would be attacked and destroyed by the recipient's immune system. To prevent this attack without resorting imunopresoare, researchers have developed a technique that protects cells against toxic T cells. By this technique inserted Langerhans live cells taken from a pig, the semi-permeable capsules. Such a capsule has openings in their structure that are sufficiently large to allow the blood, oxygen and other metabolic molecules to easily reach from the cell in the blood of the container. At the same time, the capsule structure release precise amounts of insulin to maintain normal blood sugar level. The major components of the immune system such as lymphocytes and antibodies are not able to pass through openings in the therapy of attacking the foreign cells. Since each Langerhans cell is a tiny living bodies must not be damaged or destroyed in the harvesting processes and encapsulation, had a large number of technical challenges that must be overcome. A safe and effective for Langerhans cell microcapsule injection seems to be the abdominal cavity, the area that contains the main abdominal organs. It is therefore not necessary to invasive surgery. The vaccine to cure type 1 diabetes But the best chance of success it has another experiment. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital, led by Dr. Denise Faustman moved quickly surpassing the challenges in clinical trial to test a vaccine that is routinely used against tuberculosis (BCG), but it seems to be effective in type 1 diabetes. They have moved from mice to humans, and the tests have passed each stage successfully before the deadline. In a press release in fall 2010, the laboratory headed by Dr. Faustman announces that phase I testing was completed. The next step is to find, in phase II and a possible dosage frequency with BCG vaccine that will benefit patients with type 1 diabetes. This phase will last 3 years. A third phase would test the drugs on a large scale. BCG induce an act of natural protein in the body called tumor necrosis factor (TNF). A temporary increase in the level of TNF in the body to destroy self-reactive T cells, which means that the insulin producing cells to regenerate. Vaccine in mice has raised, too, and the population of positive T lymphocytes, immune system and so to regain nearly normal. BCG is widely used as a vaccine for over 80 years in humans. Because it is used so much time and so many people, this vaccine is well established. This allows researchers to move more quickly through safety studies for clinical trials to test new drugs. Research led by Dr. Faustman has passed a hedge of Finance. Although those with type 1 diabetes are offered in large quantities as volunteers, and the vaccine is a cheap one, or just because the vaccine is cheap and readily available, no pharmaceutical company would not finance the research. The study goes further, based in large measure on donations. How to trigger diabetes The cells that form the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas and a portion responsible for the production of insulin, a hormone necessary for glucose metabolism. For those who suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes, the pancreatic cells fail to produce insulin. In its absence glucose builds up in the blood, causing the condition known as hyperglycemia (high blood glucose). Langerhans formed by cords of cells. Cords formed, in turn, from Alpha cells (secrete the hormone glucagon has the opposite effect of insulin) and beta (secretes insulin). These islands, where healthy people produce insulin in precise proportions required. When the blood sugar reaches the normal range, the islands will reduce the production of insulin, which is still in a state of anticipation. Right now, even though the entire process described above is well known and there are many theories, no one has managed to figure out what exactly triggers the attack and, in particular, diabetes. Treatment that can cure diabetes type 1 are still far away. But they mentioned seems to have made the most progress. They offer new hope to those who are waiting for the miracle that will transform the disease diabetes.

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