onsdag 21 mars 2018

HälsansKök Soya Chorizo Sausage and Morgellons Fibers

AWLC LABORATORY For today we will present one product from Vegan food domain. Hälsans Kök company sell this kind of sausage betwin Danmark and Scandinavian Countrys. Like all people know the the history of this Company what begins like project one vegan food for one good life. Well... we was asked by vegan people to test this kind of product what in Scandinavien under there System what have and take so much care about the life of there people, we take up the problem and buy from local Ica store this product to test. Like we think on road of what kind of things we can find in. Lets see what we finded:
Morgellons Fibers (parasit):
Well....after little time whit all research under microscope and internet we finded the real owner of the product in the economic spider web - Israel. Stay Awake and Strong! Expect Us!

lördag 17 mars 2018

Palm Oil and his side effects over human body

AWLC Laboratory Palm Oil
Many people eat products what have palm oil. This oil is used in all kinds of category of products. From food industry, cosmetics, wax, Paint, Chemy Industry, etc. Palm oil has been used for centuries in food preparation, particularly in the tropics where palms grow naturally. The oil, extracted from the fruit of the oil palm tree, enjoys widespread popularity in processed foods because it is free of artery-clogging trans fats and rich in natural antioxidants, including vitamins A and E. However, like many natural substances, palm oil does have its drawbacks, some of which might pose serious health risks.While palm oil has no trans fats, it does contain high levels of saturated fats, which can be a significant threat to cardiovascular health. The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that palm oil is second only to soybean oil in terms of worldwide popularity as a food oil. The use of palm oil in processed foods, its most widespread application in the United States, jumped sharply after government authorities took aggressive steps to reduce the trans fat content in processed foods.In a study published in a 1999 issue of "Plant Foods for Human Nutrition," three Nigerian biochemistry researchers extol some of the nutrients found in fresh palm oil, but point out that the oil in an oxidized state can threaten physiological and biochemical functions of the body. They acknowledge that manufacturers of processed foods oxidize palm oil in their products for a variety of culinary purposes, meaning that much of the palm oil consumers eat is in an oxidized state. The dangers of oxidized palm oil include organotoxicity of the heart, kidney, liver and lungs, as well as reproductive toxicity, the researchers claim. Additionally, they note, oxidized palm oil can cause an increase in free fatty acids, phospholipids and cerebrosides.We dont recomand to be eaten but if is present kiip in mind to not eat much of this Oil.

torsdag 15 mars 2018

Morgellons Fibers US 20150056256 Patent ( Monsanto Corp )

AWLC Laboratory. Morgellons Fibers -US20150056256Patent-Monsanto Corp Laboratory
Many People Write to us about how to stop the Morgellons Fibers to Attack the People or to clean the skin if you are in contact whit this parasit. Well first we mast speak about how you can contact this parasit and how he or she affect you in life. To now all researchers are agree whit one thing: Morgellons Fibers are in fact one parasit and not one bacteria or cell. Think about alive micro organism around you. We can compare this parasit whit one earth worm from your garden but is more simple then you think. Basic this parasit look after places what he can stay like sponge things around us. Think about your skin or all sponge textures around you. in fact he is innofensive to the human body and just our imunnity system fight to him to take out this parasit from the skin. What we see like the Fibromalagia desisses is just the reaction of the body in the war whit this parasit. Our imunnity system try to push out this parasit on the same door what he used to go in so the reactions of the skin or the body are many and diferit. The danger over that is just the low imonno system what cant fight whit this parasit and in time the hoast will be affected by the growing parasit. What is important to know like basic for normal people is not what to take to defend our selfs over the attack of this parasit but how to eat and stay healthy to have one Imunno system strong to throw away this parasit. Like we see in media ( gov one ) and Alternative one many try to give remedy to this "Unknown" C.I.A.- Monsanto BioLabGmParasit what basic is so simple then we are amased by how he works and stay alive. He/She dont need air to survive and his moves are just simple survive moves to look one place to stay. Basic he guide himself by the magnetic fields around him. Nothing more so all what have low magnetic filds or produce one magnetic fild can be hoast for this parasit. No need meds from Big Pharma to bring down this Magnetic Parasit but just the low toy or Refrigirater magnets like 10 or 20 to take out this parasit from your skin. This is just one simple local remedy but for long time remedy is what you do or eat in your life. No procesed food whit negative chemicals mast be in your body for he run away from Alcalinic mediums what have plus magnetic fields ( he survive in negativ magnetic medium most ). So if you eat junk procecssed food you are the right medium whit hight potential to be ideal hoast for this US patent lab Parasit. If you eat and take care about your body and imunno system to be strong you will not be one proper hoast for this Lab Parasit or you will have visitors but for low period of time for they will go out alone from your skin or they will not go in if are on your skin. Important thing is to balance the Iodine from your food. Organic one not industrial. Sea Salt or SeaWeed are most fighters against this parasit and logic one active strong life to strong your imunnity system is more then recommanded. NO INDUSTRIAL PROCCESED FOOD IS GOOD in this. For this Parasit is spred in all medium like Geoengineering Proramm ,Agenda 2030,bodycare products ,Idustrial Food ( Fast food and industry food ), Big Pharma meds have inside the parasits too and nothing can help you to not contact this parasit, you mast defend your self in time what you fight to bring down the Psihopats from industry or governments or the bank system what alow whit intentions to hapen this things. More info we will upgrade in time in this problem. Al Pictures and info what we provide in this content are free to download and use in your own research like your own material. Feel free to share,copy or use what we give to bring the good for our Planet! Stay Strong and Healthy! Expect Us! How look one parasit?

onsdag 14 mars 2018

Amphetamine and her side effects over human body.

AWLC Laboratory Amphetamine Cristals and Amphetamine Solution
Profile Amphetamines are a group of synthetic psychoac tive drugs called central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. The collective group of amphetamines includes amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and methamphetamine. Amphetamine is made up of two distinct compounds : pure dextroamphetamine and pure levoamphetamine. Since dextroamphetamine is more potent than levoamphetamine, pure dextroamphetamine is also more potent than the amphetamine mixture. Medications containing amphetamines are prescribed for narcolepsy, obes ity, and attention defici t/hyperactivity disorder. Prescription names for these medications include Adderall © , Dexedrine © , DextroStat © , and Desoxyn © . The basic molecule of amphetamine can be modified to emphasize specific actions, such as appetite suppressant, CNS stimulant, and cardiovascular actions, for certain medications, including diethylproprion, fenflu ramine, methylphenidate (comm only known as the prescription drugs Ritalin © or Concerta © ), and phenmetrazine. Both methylphenidate and amphetamine have been in Schedule II of the Contro lled Substances Act since 1971. In medical use, there is controversy over whether the benefits of am phetamines prescribed for ADHD and weight loss outweigh the drug’s harmful side effects. Th ere is agreement, however, that prescription amphetamines are successful in treating narcolepsy. “Look-alike” drugs, which imitate the effects of amphetamines, and contain substances legally available over-the-counter, including caffeine, ephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine are sold on the street as “speed” and “uppers. History When amphetamine was first synthesized in 1887, by the German chemist L. Edeleano, the stimulant effects were not noticed. In th e early 1930s, when amphetamine’s CN S stimulant properties and use as a respiratory stimulant were discovered it was marketed as an inhaler for nasal congestion (Benzedrine © ). At this time, medical professionals recommended amphetamine as a cure for a range of ailments—alcohol hangover, narcolepsy, depression, weight reduction, hyperactivity in children, and vomiting associated wi th pregnancy. The use of amphetamine grew rapidly because it was inexpensive, readily available, had long lasti ng effects, and because pr ofessionals purported that amphetamine did not pose an addiction risk. Oral and intravenous preparations of amphetamine derivatives, including methamphetamine, were developed and became available for therapeutic purposes. During World War II, the military in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan used amphetamines to increase aler tness and endurance and to improve mood. Abuse began rising during the 1960s and 1970s with the discovery that the intravenous injection of amphetamines (particularly methamphetamine) produced enhanced euphoric effects with a more rapid onset than oral administration. Although structurally sim ilar to amphetamine, methamphetamine has more pronounced effects on the CNS. Between 1986 and 1989, law enforcement and treatment admission professionals in Hawaii re ported that abuse of a concentr ated form of methamphetamine (known as “ice,” “glass,” and “crystal”) was increasing. Methods of Use Amphetamine and methamphetamine pills can be inge sted orally, crushed and snorted, dissolved in water and injected, or smoked (inhalation of the vaporized dr ug). “Glass” and “ice” (pure methamphetamine, which look like clear crystallin e rock) is most often smoked (vaporized and inhaled) in a glass pipe, allowi ng for quick absorption into the bloodstream without the risks of injecting the drug. “Crystal” the powder form of methamphetamines , is consumed orally, injected, or inhaled. Amphetamine’s Effects on the Brain When amphetamines are used, the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine are released from nerve endings in the brain and their reuptake is inhibited. This infl ux causes the buildup of neurotransmitters at synapses in the brain. When n erve cells in the brain and spinal cord are activated by amphetamine, the mental focus, the ability to stay awake, and the ability to concentrate is improved, which is helpful for those w ith hyperactivity disorders or narcolepsy. Although the physiological experience of using amphetamines a nd cocaine is very similar, the effects of amphetamines can last several hours whereas the eff ects of cocaine generally last less than one hour. When mixed with alcohol or other drugs, the effects of prescr iption amphetamines are enhanced. The onset of effects from injecting meth amphetamines occurs immediately. When this drug is snorted, effects occur within 3 to 5 minutes; when ingested orally, effects occur within 15 to 20 minutes. Disorders Medically Treated with Amphetamines • Obesity • Parkinson’s disease • Attention deficit hypera ctivity disorder • Narcolepsy (uncontrolled episodes of sleep) Short-Term Effects • High body temperature • Cardiovascular system failure • Hostility or paranoia • Irregular or increased heart rate/ heart beat • Increased diastolic/ systolic blood pressure • Increased activity/ talkativeness • Euphoria • Heightened sense of well-being • Decreased fatigue/ drowsiness • Decreased appetite • Dry mouth • Dilated pupils • Increased respiration • Heightened alertness/ energy • Nausea • Headache • Palpitations • Altered sexual behavior • Tremor/ twitching of small muscles • Release of social inhibitions • Unrealistic feelings of cleverness, great competence, and power Long-Term Effects Prolonged amphetamine abuse or abuse in high doses can cause a number of other problems including: • Toxic psychosis • Physiological and behavioral disorders • Dizziness • Pounding heartbeat • Difficulty breathing • Mood or mental changes • Unusual tiredness or weakness • Cardiac arrhythmias • Repetitive motor activity • Convulsions, coma, and death • Ulcers • Malnutrition • Mental illness • Skin disorders • Vitamin deficiency • Flush or pale skin • Loss of coordination and physical collapse Potential for Abuse The National Drug Intelligence Center reports that between two and four million children have been diagnosed with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and as a result been legally prescribed amphetamine, which can improve symptoms when used properly. When prescription amphetamines are taken orally and in low doses, drug abuse and addiction is not a serious risk. However, drug addiction becomes a risk when pr escription amphetamines are consumed at doses higher than those prescribed for medical treatment. Abuse of amphetamines, which can lead to tolerance and physical and psychological dependen ce, is characterized by consuming increasingly higher dosages, and by the “binge and crash” cycle, when users attempt to maintain their high by overindulging on these drugs. When binge episodes end, the a buser “crashes” and is left with severe depression, anxiety, extreme fa tigue, and a craving for more drugs. The chronic abuse of amphetamine and methamphetamine is characterized by violent and erratic behavior, as well as a psychosis similar to schizophrenia, that can involve paranoia, picking at the skin, and auditory/ visual hallucinations. All forms of metham phetamine are highly addictive and toxic. Terminology • Street amphetamine: bennies, black beauties, copilots, eye-ope ners, lid poppers, pep pills, speed, uppers, wake-ups, and white crosses • Street dextroamphetamine: dexies • Street methamphetamine: chalk, chris, crank, cristy, crystal, crystal meth, go, go- fast, meth, speed, and zip • Concentrated methamphetamine hydrochloride: ice, crystal, and glass • Combinations: Amphetamines and barbiturates: goofballs Methamphetamine and heroin: speedballs • Use & Users: Speed run: increasing doses of injectable methamphetamine taken over several days or weeks Speeders or speed freaks: serial speed users ; methamphetamine users who inject their drugs intravenously.

fredag 9 mars 2018

GM Insulin~InsulatardFlexiPen vs LillyHumulinNPHKwikPen

AWLC Laboratory Many people ask what is the diference betwin old insulin and the new one. The kids and youngs make that mistake to not keep the insulin in propper condition and maybe more then 6 weecks. We came whit one ideea to see the diferences betwin the old insulin what is on market and the new one. We take just 2 exemples and put them under the microscope hoping to see the diferences. Lets see what we have : Insulatard-FlexPen Producer: Novo Nordisk A/S ,GM insulin
Microscope pictures:
VS Lilly Humulin NPH KwikPen
Microscope Pictures:
soon we will upgrate the pictures from this Insulin after we will run more tests to bring out the truth. Stay awake ! Expect us!